Verdugo + Drink Deep + Mt. Dagger
Verdugo + Drink Deep + Mt. Dagger

@tangiblematerial proudly presents:

another heavy hitter at K19 happening in just a little over two weeks! @verdugo.barna (members of Appraise, Golem, Disengage, xConstrictx, Title Fight, etc, on @triplebrecords) will be playing on Feb 28 live in Berlin all the way from Barcelona. If you enjoy aggressive straight edge hardcore you can’t miss this. Locals @drinkdeephc (this time for real) and for the first time at one of our gigs @mt.dagger (hardcore / punk from Berlin). Let’s mosh!


🚪19:00, 🎸20:00! (will probably sell out and we will start the minute it sells out). NO PRE-SALE as usual.


Thanks @peipfex for letting me steal yr photo of @verdugo.barna , poster by @humanxdischarge

in 4 days
ask a punk